Mother’s Day, Nutrition, and Congress.


Bread for the World is a faith-based nonprofit. They equip their members to advocate on policy and programs that end hunger. I was on staff as a senior manager of digital campaigns was the project manager. I was also the lead copywriter for the project.


Create a Mother’s Day campaign to encourage advocacy for global nutrition programs. Optimize advocacy so it supports the efforts of an in person event later in the year.

Project manager, copywriter, and social media: Robin Stephenson
Email: Chet Jechura
Copy editing: Jennifer Gonzalez
Graphics: Doug Puller
Web design: Hans Friedhoff


To optimize signers we used email, social media, and digital marketing to promote the petition, resulting in over 14,000 names representing nearly every congressional district. We used a petition to amplify in-district voices during the Advocacy Summit.

Every Mom Wants What is Best for Her Child

By Robin Stephenson

Oatmeal bubbles on the stove, a hastily poured glass of orange juice drips on the counter, and the smell of cooking eggs fill a Portland, Oregon kitchen. With three children in the mix, breakfast at the Stange house is marked by both chaos and abundance, something for which Michele Stange is grateful.

Working full-time and pursuing a master’s degree leaves very little room in the busy mother’s schedule, but her most important job is making sure her kids get the nutrition they need to thrive. “I am grateful for the fact that I have healthy food in the house at all times,” said Michele. “I know that whatever my children chose to prepare for their breakfast, it will be fuel for a morning filled with learning.”

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