Fundraising Email

Fundraising Series


Bread for the World is a faith-based nonprofit. They equip their members to advocate on policy and programs that end hunger. When I wrote these emails, I was on staff as a senior manager for digital campaigns and managed the organization’s email program.


Write 4 emails with two variations (sustainer and upgrade) with 4 audience segments. Created the graphics for the email series and digital ads.


I wrote each email in the voice of the signer, being very familiar with each speaker. I personalized the message by using "you" in addressing accomplishments. I used story and impact as outlined in the creative brief. I used bold to highlight key points and accommodate skimming. In addition to linking key phrases to a donation page, I also included a prominent CTA button.


Nutrition Therapy Promotion


Blu Haven Wellness center specializes in trauma, depression, and child therapy.


Introduce nutrition therapy to current clients with a two-part email series. Explain the benefits and encourage the recipient to schedule a discovery call.


I start with a clear definition of nutrition therapy in email one. I outlined the benefits with current clients (target audience) in mind. The second email was in the voice of the therapist to create a personal invitation. I highlighted key information and bullets to accommodate skimming. I used a prominent button to make the call to action clear.

Advocacy on Child Nutrition


Bread for the World is a faith-based nonprofit. They equip their members to advocate on policy and programs that end hunger. When I wrote these emails, I was on staff as a senior manager for digital campaigns and managed the organization’s email program.


Increase advocacy on child nutrition.


I used "Act Now" in the subject line because testing showed it would garner the highest open rate. Highlighting and bolding key test accommodates skimming. To create an emotional pull and put a face on hunger, I used story in one of the emails.

