About Page


World Hunger Education Service (WHES) is a nonprofit dedicated to ending hunger through knowledge.


The WHES website and copy required an update. The About Page contained outdated information and did not effectively convey how users could benefit from the website. The challenge was to refresh the copy while preserving the website's current style. Additionally, due to the absence of a block editor, I needed to customize the HTML code for the layout


  • I began by revising the mission statement, making it more user-friendly and easily scannable. The original mission statement can now be found in the footer of every page.

  • I designed custom icons that seamlessly matched the existing ones on the site, ensuring visual consistency. Additionally, I optimized photos by providing them with alt text and creating SEO-friendly file names.

  • Additionally, I created a dedicated section that explained how different audience segments could derive value from the website.

  • I relocated leadership information to its own dedicated page while providing a brief origin story to help readers appreciate the organization's rich history. This included getting copyright permissions for the photo.

  • Finally, I updated meta descriptions and keywords to improve search engine optimization


Activist Corner


Bread for the World is a faith-based nonprofit. They equip their members to advocate on policy and programs that end hunger. I was on staff as a senior manager for digital campaigns and frequently wrote for the website, including this this page from 2016 until 2022.


Bread’s website was written to introduce Bread to the World to potential members. I was tasked to write a page specifically for the needs of active members.


After interviewing stakeholders, I set up 4 key sections: current actions, campaign announcements, story, and an advocacy tool kit (list of relevant resources. I used headlines and subheads, and bolding key phrases to accommodate skimming. I updated the page either monthly or when updates were available.



